Promised Land

Gus Van Sant seems to be hit or miss for me. I either love his movies or I’m utterly annoyed. When Van Sant works with Matt Damon good things happen. Matt Damon plays a corporate salesman who, along with his work partner Frances McDormand, go to a small town to buy drilling rights from the people. Their town is suffering from the economy collapsing so they’re kind of screwed and have no choice. They get resistance from a school teacher on a mission who gets help from Damon’s rival, played by John Krasinski. This should be a good movie. I’m excited to see John Krasinski get in some dramatic camera time. He’s an awesome actor and with The Office winding down he needs to get into bigger movies like this more often. We also get Hal Holbrook, Lucas Black, and the always awesome/always hot Rosemarie DeWitt. I can’t see this movie not getting tons of acclaim. It should be good.

RELEASE DATE -12/28/12

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