The awkward nerds and William Shatner’s weird acting forced me away from the world that is Star Trek. I’m a nerdy guy, but this is one area of the nerdom that I just never got into. The old show seemed hokey and cheesy and the “Next Generation” stuff was just too over my head to casually watch. Star Trek is a franchise you need to fully get into to really be a fan. I just never had the interest in it. A few years ago JJ Abrams put out the Star Trek movie and that all changed. I’m still not going to dig into the old school stuff, but I really dug the first movie. The action and story was entertaining, interesting, and well done. I got to get a full dose of the characters I’ve always “kinda knew” in a much more accessible way. The cast was awesome. This time the same cast comes back and we get more of the story. This will be the second Star Trek movie that I watch. I’m excited.