After Earth

After Earth is the new M. Night Shymalan movie. This one stars Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith as two people who get stuck on Earth 1,000 years after “cataclysmic events” when their space ship crashes. Not only do they have to fight for survival and deal with the new evolved animal species, but a crazy alien creature escaped their shuttle during the crash. So basically I’m thinking this is the post-apocalyptic sequel to “Pursuit of Happiness”. Bad ass. Of course I’m kidding. It could be pretty cool and I’d check it out for sure. My bet for the signature “M. Night twist” is that this isn’t the future, but rather the past! We find out that “we” (humans) already destroyed Earth and these two dudes and whoever else shows up during the movie (I’m sure SOMEONE will) will be “Adam” and “Eve”… or something like that. I hope I’m way off and the twist is not only surprising but fulfilling like the classic stuff in “Sixth Sense” or my favorite of the M. Night movies “Unbreakable”. I genuinely like M. Night Shyamalan. Sometimes his movies connect with me and sometimes not, but I appreciate his efforts and how his mind works. With Will Smith and his promising son getting to explore this world I’m in the very least “curious”. That’s more than I can say for a lot of movies these days.


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