I never saw the Superman reboot from a few years ago. I don’t know why I didn’t, but I just never did. I’ll watch it someday, but most likely after I watch this new rendition. Zack Snyder is an awesome director and I can’t wait to see his vision of this world come to life. Henry Cavill seems to be a perfect “young Superman” and then the cast is stacked with Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Michael Shannon, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburn, Russell Crowe, and Christopher Meloni to name a few. This will be another origin story but I think we’re due a good Superman origin story. We get to see Superman take form and fight off General Zod. I don’t know what else we’d need in a movie like this. It’s obviously the start of a new franchise so I guess we gotta start off somewhere. This should be a good re-re-re-start.
RELEASE DATE - 6/14/13