The last time Metallica put out a “film” it was their documentary. In this documentary they displayed that they are metal head divas, they cry a lot, and they have a lot of issues. It was seeing a little far behind the curtain. As soon as I heard they were putting something new out, I got nervous. I’m already past caring about Metallica, but that doesn’t mean I want to see them make their legacy even more of a faded glory. This is a “concept concert film”. They use their live footage intertwined with a “surreal adventure” where a dude is on a crazy action packed “mission”. It looks “trippy” and “cool” and it’s obviously made for IMAX and 3D. I could see being stoned and big Metallica fan and going to see the IMAX 3D experience if you have nothing else to do. But who in their right mind would want to watch this on any other platform? Yikes.
RELEASE DATE - 9/27/13