Escape Plan

This movie stars both Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Twenty or so years ago, that sentence would result in minds being blown. Now it results in an eye roll and a sigh. I like both guys and want to see them perform. I’d just like to see them perform more “age appropriate” movies. Why is this movie being made? It’s sad seeing old action stars and old movie heroes embarrass themselves as old men. At least in movies like “Tin Men”, the older actors would go with their age and make it part of the story. Here they address “age” and move on to the action crap. I don’t care what these character’s motives are. I don’t care if they escape jail. It’s not just their age. That’s a weird part of it, but we’re all just worn out by these movies. How many paint by number action movies have these guys made million off of? The times have changed, you’d think they would too.

RELEASE DATE - 10/18/13

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