On Friday the 13th, December 13th 2013 the world will end. They Mayans said shit about December 2012 and everyone got freaked out for like a minute. But I think this movie is the sign of the end of times. Madea is already an insult to anyone with a soul. It’s like “Ernest” for black people. It’s not even that I don’t like Tyler Perry. I have no issues with the guy and he seems to be really motivated to put out quality productions. This sassy “Mrs. Doubtfire” act is crap. It aims for the lowest quality of people and they eat it up. The same exact thing can be said for Larry the Cable Guy. He is a product made specifically to pander to dumb people. Both are successful at what they do and what they do is take the money of dumb people. I don’t care what stupid plot this movie has. It’s Madea and its Christmas. That’s your freaking plot. For the past few years I’ve LITERALLY made the joke to people that I wanted to make a buddy cop comedy with Larry The Cable Guy and Tyler Perry and then soak up the dumb money. My mind is blown and my stomach turns that this shit is real. This movie is going to have great use when it’s used as torture for people with IQ’s over 17.
RELEASE DATE - 12/13/13