This movie seems like it HAS to be good. It might not being a movie that I’m going to rush out to see, but when you put Meryl Streep in front of a camera you should just about always expect magic. You can bet your ass this movie will be one of those Oscar movies come award season. The fact that Julie Roberts, Ewan McGregor, Chris Cooper, Abigail Breslin, Juliette Lewis, Margo Martindale, and other awesome people are in this make it even more appealing. It’s a drama. There’s a drunk poet, a women addicted to drugs with cancer, and we come into their story just as everything is turned on its head. It sounds like a bouncy rich people drama that Streep racks up the awards by being in. It’s not Woody Allen, but I’m sure it’ll try to be. I’m sure it’ll be good, but you can bet your ass it’s going to be praised by critics. It has to be. Mark my words.
RELEASE DATE - 12/25/2013