Winter's Tale

This is a supernatural drama based on a 1983 novel. It sounds and looks crazy! Colin Farrell stars as a thief who falls in love with a dying girl. He’s going to get killed by Russell Crowe and his gangster buddies, but for some reason a guardian angel gets his back. And that’s just a bit of the plot. It’s a really weird and surreal kind of movie. It feels and sounds like The Crow, but without too much gimmick. A movie with Farrell, Crowe, Will Smith, Jennifer Connelly, Jessica Brown Findlay, and others all stand out on the cast list. This should be an interesting movie to say the least. Even if it sucks, I want to see it just to see how they pull this weird concept and out-there idea off. I don’t even know if it’ll be good, but I’m certain I’d want to find out.

RELEASE DATE - 2/14/2014

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