I had the pleasure of seeing this movie this past week. It's not doing hot at the box office, but I'm a HUGE fan of dark comedies and I love me some Rogen. So I took the first chance I got and got my ass to a theatre to see this. I've read a lot of reviews that Ronnie (Rogen) is unlikable and even comparing his psychotic outburst to "Taxi Driver". "Taxi Driver" was in your face while holding you by the collar; "Observe" was in your face while tickling you behind the ear. The movie ended up being a cross between director Hill's "Fist Foot Way" and "Raising Arizona" from the Coens. I mean that in a good way. "Raising Arizona" is a great movie because it's gritty, dark, and tons of heart buried deeeep beneath the surface. You get those same qualities in this movie. There are a lot of scenes that are very dark and insensitive to the common day public moral code. There's a little bit of racism, a touch of date rape, and a lot of F-bombs. I'm only a fan of the F-bombs, the other two are not what I'd classify as entertainment in the least bit, but I ended up laughing during both situations. It's got those "holy shit!" laughs that come out of amazement of the situation rather than cheering on the ignorance of the character. You know Ronnie is crazy and over the top, but as the movie goes on you start to get a glimpse as to why he is like he is. By the end of the movie, it gets so over the top that it strays from the dark comedy of the first 3/4ths of the film. I'm not going to spoil the ending of the movie, but the shift in genre makes it more of a commercial dark comedy than dark comedy gems like "Very Bad Things", "Fight Club" or "Heathers". Not only do I want to see it again, but I want to own it. It's a movie that I could see myself watching a lot in the future. It's got cult classic written all over it. Mark my words. I throw this movie a solid B+.