I am not a huge horror fan these days. I do like the grind house/low budget type of horror movies way more than the supposed blockbusters. They have humor, heart, and normally a lot more creativity involved with the project. This semi recently released movie is seriously one of the most entertaining exploitation horror movies I've seen. It's about an evil luchadores who kills anyone who enters the ghost town. Enter the ever so small cast and crew of an amateur porn movie. They characters were over the top, the woman's clothing was sparse, and the production was dead on. The evil luchadore "El Mascarado" was played by Rey Misterio Senior and it worked perfectly. He's not a huge monster, but he's built like an old school wrestler who would just tie you in knots. The order of kills wasn't expected and it seems the main character was former Diva contestant AND "Deal or No Deal" case holder Leyla Milani. Really, I kid you not; she did pretty damn good in this movie. I could see her branching off and building her resume with some impressive parts like this. She's not afraid to get in there and put it on the line. Very well done. Overall, I can't suggest and pimp this movie enough. A friend of mine got it for me from Wal-Mart on the cheap. If you get a chance treat yourself to this underappreciated and under-promoted goodness.