I've never been a fan of Star Trek or even Star Wars. I've seen bits and pieces of the movies, know some of the pop culture lingo, and probably watched a total of three hours of "The Next Generation" while it was on. I'm not a hater, but it's just not my cup of tea. Sci-fi for me was "Back to the Future", "Terminator", and even "Bill and Ted's" growing up. When they first started announcing the casting, dropping some pictures on to the net, and after all the marketing my interest in the movie surfaced. I like most of the cast. I'm a fan of Winona Ryder, but I knew early that she was basically just in it for an extended cameo so that cancelled out any excitement for her part. However, I'm a big fan of Simon Pegg("Spaced", "Shaun of the Dead"), John Cho("Harold and Kumar" and fun randomness), and Zachary Quinto(SYLER!). The rest is take or leave. Quinto as Spock got me interested. If you read this nonsense that I write weekly, you'd know that I am a huge Heroes fan. I was even recently rewatching "Six Feet Under" and saw the dude in a small role and got all "Hey! That's Syler!" on my unknowing friend. So yeah, I watched the movie. It ended up being a really fun experience. My thoughts going into it was "they're going to have a lot of random species with weird names and make it really confusing", but nope. It was pretty simple. It was an origin story, so I at least know where everything comes from. I won't go into all the details about the characters and plot. You can find a much better review on this site to find out all the specifics from Joseph Lee. It wasn't too over my head with Trek-speak, it wasn't too cheesy, and it wasn't too bad at all. It's the most fun I've had watching a movie in quite some time. From a non-fan's point of view, this movie is worth seeing and seeing soon. It was entertaining, enjoyable, and I fear it'll spank my beloved "Terminator". In the meantime, enjoy all the nitpicking douche's typing up their angry posts about the inaccuracies. I think those are the people who scare away non-fans. I'm NOT going to go back and watch any of the old ones. I have no desire to do so and William Shatner REALLY annoys me. There's really nothing anyone can do to twist my arm on that, but WHEN they make another I'm down.