Last week I gushed over Star Trek. This week I'm going to stay within the "movies staring people from Heroes" theme. That was Quinto as Spock, this time around it's Adrian Pasdar as Caleb Colton. For those not in the know, Pasdar is Nathan Petrelli on the show. I am a huge fan of vampire movies so when I was recently told about this movie I was shocked I hadn't seen it. It came out in 1987 and stars a young and bleach blond Pasdar, a crazy Bill Paxon, and a slew of other awesome supporting stars. The movie is set in the south and has a pretty cool take on vampires. Instead of having the European/aristocrat vibe, they were almost like modern day outlaws. Killing out of need for sure, but it's more homicidal than seductive. Each member of the vampire family have their own characteristics and attitudes as they travel by day and kill by night. It's more "Natural Born Killers" than "Lost Boys". I don't want to spoil any more of the movie. It was a lost gem that I somehow missed on. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I can just say WATCH IT. It's worth the time, entertaining, and overall one of the better non-mainstream Vampire movies I've seen in a loooong time. It's a B+ movie for sure.