I've read some horrible reviews for this "Donny Darko" sequel so I was reluctant to watch this. The original/first wasn't THAT great a movie after watching it recently. I loved it when it came out, but I was also heavy into drugs and liked a lot of random "trippy" things. I still like "trippy" shit, but despite it being well done… it was just bland and felt like it dragged out for a looong time. So with my new found "meh" towards "Donny Darko" I wasn't exactly too enthusiastic about watching this DVD. In fact, it's sat on my shelf for a while now without even being opened. Nonetheless, I watched it this past week. I can HONESTLY say it's not as bad as the reviews. It's got the same tone and charm of the first one, but at the same time, the same overly drawn out and overly "trippy" feel to it. Instead of "suck a fuck" like the first, this has a "God's farts smell like marshmallow peeps". That's a horrible line, but dammit I smirked. The movie is saved by Daveigh Chase. She was Donny's little sister in the first one and has grown up to become a very cool adult. At first I was a little taken back because she seemed to be like a trashier version of Juno, but quickly you see more of dimension to her character and performance. For what it was, a Direct to DVD sequel, it's not bad at all. I might even of liked it more than the original, but I'll need another ten years to REALLY know. On the bright side, I now know to keep a look out for Daveigh Chase. C+ movie for sure. If you get a chance, watch it, but don't feel left out if you don't get to.