A friend of mine brought over a DVD of this movie recently. I don't know where he got it, but that's neither here nor there. I wanted to see this movie when it came out, but at the time couldn't get around to it. I plan on buying it when it comes out and the first viewing of it pretty much sealed all of those us. The movie was hilarious. I'm a big fan of "The Whitest Kids You Know" and will flat out say they are BETTER than "Lonely Island", and I love me some LI. The movie was about an overly-nice guy who saves himself for prom night with his hot girlfriend. He ends up in a coma for four years. He wakes up and his slacker/loser friend is the only one there for him. He finds out his old girlfriend is now in Playboy as Miss March. They then go on a road trip with lots of randomness. The comedic road trip is a beaten path these days. It's the same shit over and over. In this case, they mix it up very nicely and I laughed more during this movie than any other in the past few years. Craig Robinson plays "Horsedick dot MPEG", a famous rapper who just about steals the show. If you're not a fan of these guys then you probably put in a missing persons report for your humor. B + movie, for sure!