I caught Doomsday this past week. I remember being surprised it was getting a theatric release. Without being fair and watching it first, I thought it screamed "Straight to DVD" from the trailers. Watching it you can instantly tell its a few notches above the assumed status. For what it is, it's pretty damn cool. But figuring out what it is exactly is really the tough part. It's like one part Mad Max, one part Escape from LA/NY, and one part zombie movie. Stirred and served, "Doomsday" ended up actually being a sleeper. I didn't expect to enjoy the over the top vulgarity and violence. It was bloody and excessive with their killings, but it was fun. It was gratuitous with their nudity and sexuality, but it was fun. It was over the top and all sorta tongue-n-cheek, but it was fun. It's not going to win any awards, but it's going to win a place in many DVD collections for sure. It's not a movie for the children, easily offended, or the weak at heart but if you're a fan of action, zombies, apocalyptic situations, naked chicks, cannibalism, dead bunnies, or Bob Hoskins then you'll appreciate this movie. This gets two thumbs up, a recommend, and whatever other measure preferred. If you saw the trailer or if this little write up had your interest then you should give this movie a shot. It's not Iron Man, Juno, or I am Legend…but it was fun!