I wasn't quite sure what to expect going into this one. I liked "Old School" a lot and with the same man at the reins on this one, my expectations were sorta high. I wasn't expecting a great movie, but one that I'd probably enjoy over and over again in the future as I have "Old School". Expectations met and exceeded. "The Hangover" IS the best comedy I've seen in 2009. I've seen a good amount of comedies, but nothing really sticks at the moment. "The Hangover" sticks and makes you laugh even days after you've left the theatre. The plot isn't that out there or original as one would hope, but their twist on it is very enjoyable. The whole "I'm on an epic journey as I encounter oddball characters because I can't remember what happened last night. Hilarity ensues" scenario has been done. Instantly, I think of "Dude Where's My Car?" when typing that. Luckily for us, "The Hangover" is told to us through Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis. These three go above and beyond to make us laugh in this movie. Cooper, as a good guy for a change, really rocks in the movie. It's like if Vince Vaughn's confidence met Paul Rudd's charm, had a nice dinner, really kicked it off, and before you know it was left with a baby named Bradley Cooper. Galifianakis is great in his role as the weirdo oaf and spares no shame in order to get an uncomfortable laugh from the viewers. Ed Helms is who I was reluctant about. I've seen him on "The Office", but his character doesn't really grab you and is the definitive supporting character. The dude ended up carrying the flick. I won't even touch base on the slew of surprise appearances and costars. Not really knowing who is going to pop up is really half the fun. I'm sure if you've seen the trailer you probably think you know all who I'm talking about, but odds are you really don't. I've seen some people give this movie an "A+", a "10", or other perfect scores. I can respect someone liking this movie THAT much and understand their rating, but I won't go THAT far. I'd give it a "9.0". Its close, but I want to see it a few dozen more times before considering it on level of my all time favorites. I'd think the best way to recommend this one is that to you like to laugh go see it.