I sorta wanted to see this movie when it first came out in theaters. I never got around to it so the other day a friend of mine rented it and brought it over. I watched with no real expectations and I'm happy I did. If I'd of had high hopes on this movie I'd of been even more let down. I was never a comic book nerd by any means, but as a young teenager I had a few and Ghost Rider was one of them. Nicolas Cage was fine in his role and the supporting cast did a fine job. The effects were pretty cool and I enjoyed the direction the same. My main issue was the script. The story lacked A LOT of substance that made this comic so special in the past. It was just "there" and didn't give you much of a chance to connect like a Spiderman, Batman, or even X Men. My opinion is that they should keep the cast, the director, and crew but change writers and go on with a kick ass sequel. Only time will tell!