A lot of people are quick to sarcastically call this "Tommy Boy 2". To be fair, we have a loveable do-good goofball in Chris Farley and an uptight snarky David Space forced together so Farley's family can succeed. It's LOOSELY the same basic plot, but there is a distinct level of difference between the two's premise. If you don't love "Tommy Boy" then I hope you have a nice life ahead of you as a lame fuck. People tend to sleep on "Black Sheep" on it's own. For one, we get Gary Busey in a great role and anytime Tim Matheson is doing comedy on my screen, straight man or not, I'm good with it. The movie contains some of the best comedy scenes of the 90s in the "ro-ads" car scene, the tilting cabin with the "we didn't have pudding" scene, and numerous others. Chris Farley's legacy will always be there, but I almost feel that a lot of us forget how much the man made us laugh during his life. If you're a fan, give this one a fresh viewing and his others works too while you're at it. We need to arrange an official "Chris Farley Day" so we don't forget like this in the future.