Terminator 2 is the best action movie of all time. At least, I think so. Maybe I'm bias because as a kid it was one of my favorite movies. I even had the Arnold "T2" poster on my wall for most of grade school. Things moved on, I got older, and then Terminator 3 came out. It wasn't what a Terminator movie was supposed to be. In T1 and 2, things had a certain amount of class to its chaos. In T3, the action seemed rushed and the presentation of the Terminator world felt tongue-in-cheek. This all said, I was excited to see Salvation, but a bit nervous. So nervous that I avoided the movie all together until just the other day, but the stars aligned and I took the opportunity. Worthington did a great job in his role as Marcus, the humanoid Terminator and gave some added depth to the lineage of the series. I was cautious about Yelchin, but then realized quickly that I shouldn't be. He has an awesome pedigree of awesome actors he has worked with. Robin Williams, Star Trek stuff, Robert Downey Jr, Alpha Dog, and even Larry David. The dude has had an awesome career for someone his age and really completely under the radar. Still, I was unsure of him being able to pull off an action role. He did well with it and I hope they keep him in the same role for the future sequels. Most said that Bale's performance was "called in", but I completely disagree. Bale played the worn out and beaten down introverted leader perfectly. If your entire life was faced with killer robots, judgment day, and being groomed to be the leader of a war against robots… I'm pretty sure you'd be a little introverted as well. The other reviews didn't help. First of all, I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. The futuristic plot of John Connor making sure his father stays alive so the first film could happen was pretty cool. The added story of Marcus was interesting and just made perfect sense within the realm of the story of the series. I think the biggest problem with Salvation is that without seeing the other movies and knowing the story of Skynet and Connor it would feel really flat. It's not a standalone classic, but within the entire four (hopefully more) story arch of "Terminator" it a solid addition. Much more than T3. If you're a cynical douche expecting T2 part 2, then you're shit out of luck. My recommendation is that if you love the old ones and have an open mind then you'll AT LEAST like this one.