I saw plenty of Jason movies as a kid. I enjoyed them for the most part, but was always a Freddy kid. I was redundant to see this winter release, but went with it. It turns out to be true to the old school horror genre, but still on the lame side. There was one cool "kill" from early in the movie that I liked, but the rest was pretty elementary. I'm not a gore porn fan, but I expected it to be a bit more creative with Jason's murders. The story wasn't Shakespeare, but it was okay. Sure it was predictable, but not too ridiculous for a "drunken teens in the woods" plot device. I really don't have much to say about it. It's decent and respectable to the genre, but a little bland on the murders. I guess that's a big part, so I'm giving it a "don't feel bad if you watch it once and never again" recommendation. I don't feel my time was wasted with it, but any more time spent will be.