A friend and I recently had a discussion about our collective dislike for the Twilight movies. The conversation moved on from this to "glow in the dark mummies" to the 1996 teen witch movie "The Craft". I proclaimed that I was going to sell all my belongings, get a loan from the mob, and do all that I could to get the rights to making "The Craft 2". It would be worth A LOT of money right now. But before that ridiculous pipe dream could ever happen we should reminisce about the original. The movie is surprisingly good for what could describe as "hot chicks screw around with witchcraft and in result start acting hotter" movie. The description there is pretty low though. The Craft has a certain charm, a certain edgy cheese to it that in lined with the decent acting and fun effects makes for a entertaining experience. Fairuza Balk (American History X, The Waterboy, Return to Oz), Neve Campbell (Scream, Wild Things), Robin Tunney(Empire Records, Hollywoodland, The Mentalist), and Rachel True(CB4, Half Baked, Half & Half) are all well cast and stand strong as individual personalities. You don't get that from most movies of this vein anymore. An interesting fact is that director Andrew Fleming is also responsible for directing an episode of Arrested Development and 2008's Hamlet 2. That right there gives him a hall pass to the school of cool. That's pretty much the sum of this movie. It's cool. It's not a great movie and everyone involved has had better works, but it's nothing to look down on. It's a decent view of mid 90's teenagers, but with witches. If you've not seen this movie, I'd suggest giving it a fair watch if provided a chance to do so.