I really can't find many nice words to say about this movie. The production looked nice and the use of color was pretty good. Uh… yeah. That's about it. This movie had to of been thee worst movie I've seen this year, in a long time, and quite possibly ever. We're not even talking about cheesy or B-movie "bad, but good bad". This is not "Freddie Got Fingered" and Mike Meyers just may have ruined himself in this longtime fan's eyes. I wasn't thrilled with Austin Powers after the first one, but it was still acceptable and enjoyable by people I know. I was a HUGE fan of "Wayne's World" and I dug "So I Married an Axe Murderer". Those are the movies he should be making. Something with a little more balls, darkness, and edge. I'm not giving up on Mike yet, but the dude is treading waters that only Eddie Murphy has. Mike Meyers is talented enough to not have to have a weird gimmick to be entertaining. He CAN be a leading man in normal comedies. If Ben Stiller can, Meyers should AT LEAST get a shot. The cast and crew of this movie are proven to be at least decent in better movies so I'm just going to chalk this one up as a "huge fuck up" and wait for their future projects. It happens to everyone and I appreciate the man's efforts, but this movie can not get any recommendation from me.