When I first heard about this movie I was a little worried. For the most part, I enjoy everyone that was cast starring and even just announced as appearing. My issue was that it was an early 90's SNL reunion movie of sorts and Kevin James was not part of that. He seems like a really cool guy and I've caught more reruns of "King of Queens" than I'd like to admit (seriously, that shows on like fifteen times a day). But flat out, he's not Chris Farley. And even if that's not what Sandler had intended, what should he expect? That group of actors and a fat loveable loud guy? It's just kind of uncomfortable. The movie ended up providing a lot of forgettable laughs. It wasn't as cheesy or hokey as I was afraid of, but made for a very decent Adam Sandler comedy. David Spade got in his laughs and was enjoyable as the douchey bachelor; Rob Schneider was fun in his awkward guy role; and Kevin James did okay in his second in command role and was leaps and bounds better than "Paul Blart. I got past the Kevin James thing and my issues went another direction. I love Chris Rock. I've paid good money to see his movies, I've enjoyed his stand up, and I'm just a huge fan of the guy. Buy why was he even in this movie? He seemed missing from every scene and barely had any dialogue. When he's there, he's just "there". His wife in the movie, a pregnant Maya Rudolph, was there much more of the time and got a lot more laughs than him. They should of just said "yeah, the black kid from our school basketball team got a sex change… there she/he is!" (Enter Maya). I probably sound bitter, but I'm not. I didn't expect an R rated edgy comedy. I watched it, I laughed a few times, and was distracted from life for an hour and half. In that respect, it succeeded. If my only complaint after seeing it is that I wanted more of something then I guess it's good. See it, but wait for the DVD.