Yes, folks. I saw Eddie Murphy's "Meet Dave" this past week. On the surface it appears to be a low brow, cheesy, borefest. When you go into the movie with that mentality you're already setting yourself up for failure. But as you (force yourself to) watch this movie; you start to realize that he's not dressing up as an old woman, in a fat suit, or playing every character (just two!). The story here is like a watered down "Coming to America" in the sense that it's Eddie being a fish out of water. Hell, really that's the best way to put it. It's a family friendly watered down "Coming to America". It's got charm for sure and a few laughs but it does drag in the middle. It's like it should be starring two stars with their own stories, but we only get Eddie's. That leaves it a little flat. The movie wasn't offensively bad as pretty everyone will automatically and unfairly disregard it as, but it was still missing that extra little something to make it special. If you have kids or are a really big Eddie fan by all means watch it, but if not you might wanna wait until you're stoned or buzzed to give it a chance.