Back in June, the movie “Splice” was released. Starring Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, and Delphine Chaneac this sci-fi movie is beyond weird. The movie is about a couple, two scientists (Brody and Polley), who are working on some big DNA project. They’re basically screwing around with splicing different specie’s DNAs together. They’re basically making hybrid animals to find new medicines and all that stuff. It’s basically a social commentary about where scientific experimentation is going and probably some deep stuff about cloning deep in there too. It’s a sci-fi movie and I’m not looking for life’s answers from it. Sure some movies will affect people in different ways, but yeah… not this one. When you strip the movie of that pretention, it’s a pretty damn entertaining flick. I’m always down with seeing Adrien Brody in things. He’s just an interesting dude, acts well, and is genuinely fun to watch. He plays the role of the conflicted scientist. He looks at this creature they made as just that, a creature. Sarah Polley, who did very well here, is a little crazy. She takes to this female creature in a mother-like manner. The movie builds up more and more to a certain point where you’re just shocked by these two people. First they drop her little bomb on us and we’re all like “No way, lady! You’re CRAZY for doing that!” Then it happens. Adrien Brody crosses a line that’s just bat sh*t nuts. I don’t want to say what it is because it’d surely spoil the shock factor but I have a feeling I’m going to be referencing this specific scene for years into the future while mocking Brody. It’s funny, but I sure as hell respect him for going through with it and pushing that envelope. It’s so disturbingly jaw dropping that once this movie gains steam in the DVD market it could become a cult classic just because of one scene. In all seriousness, I did like the movie, but I’m not 100% on how much. I’m curious to see it again once it hits DVD in October, but with the shocks and awes already revealed it might not be nearly as good as it was after a first single impression. None the less, I recommend it… for now.