I put off watching this movie as much as I could. When it was first starting to be promoted I was mildly curious. I'm a fan of Sandler, but have not been a fan of all of his movies. This one looked to be right up my alley. It looked silly, unique, and with some heart hidden behind all of that. That's exactly what it was. Sandler's "Zohan" character would appear to be an anti-stereotype as in "look at the fish out of water! Ha ha!" It was, but once you got past a few minutes of it, you sorta just take it for what it is. I was happy to see Kevin Nealon in his role. I've been watching Weeds a lot lately and he's a talent that can do no wrong. Chris Rock as a cab driver early in the film was a welcomed surprise. There are the normal cameos like Schneider and Kevin James, but then there's some that came out of left field. When the announcer Michael Buffer is the the main villain, "singer" Dave Matthews played a racist redneck, and then toss in a Mariah Carrey as herself… wow. The normal Sandler guys were missing from the movie, but I think it's because they were working on "Strange Wilderness" at the time. I could be wrong, but it seems like Apatow is splitting crews up lately. First half and half with the Sandler crew and then the Knocked up guys in "Sarah Marshall" and "Pineapple Express". I can't wait until the recently announced Sandlar/Rogen movie comes to surface. Any who, the movie is enjoyable. It's not "Billy Madison", but it's surely not "Chuck and Larry" or "Click". When you get a chance, watch it. Give it some time to set in before jumping to conclusions. It starts slow, but builds to a very worthwhile movie. If you're an old school Sandler fan, but were hesitant.. SEE IT! It's already an underappreciated movie that I think will only grow more solid in years to come. If I gotta go with a number out of 10, I go with 7.5.