"Zydrate comes in a little glass vial!"... "A little glass vial?"... "A little glass vial!" If you read that to yourself and enjoyed it then there's a good chance you'd already seen this movie. It was released last year, but apparently hasn't done as well as hoped or it should have. There are certain rock musicals that I have a place for in my heart. I have experiences with "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and because of that I can tolerate the movie. That being said I don't think I've watched it in about half a decade. Then there's a very guilty pleasure in "Hedwig and The Angry Inch". It's a bit uncomfortable for those who are too uncomfortable, but under the bizarre façade is a beautiful story. It's one of my favorites (Top 25ish) and I'd recommend it to anyone to view at least once. Then out of nowhere, I was bitch slapped with "Repo! The Genetic Opera". The movie is set in 2056 and focuses on how cosmetic and heavy surgeries have become a thing of high priced glamour. So much that Geneco, the company who pretty much runs shit, has gotten it legalized to REPOSSESS HUMAN ORGANS! The company is owned by a vile man(Sorivino) and with his two sons the ill tempered(Mosely) and the lady-killer(Orge),and the attention and surgery whore daughter(Hilton) basically do whatever they want. The Repo Man is sent out to take back organs of people who didn't keep up on their bills. There's a new drug called "zydrate" that eases the pain of surgery. The only way to get this drug is via grave robbers who extract it from corpses. Did I mention that like 90% of all dialogue is sung? Yeah. It's dark, twisted, creative as fuck, and probably the only movie besides "The Hangover" this year that has kept me talking about it. There's SOOOOO much going on in this movie that it's really hard to describe. To me, the graverobber(Zdunich) and Repoman(Head) own the movie. If you're weary about it being a musical or opera then you're in for a treat. It's just an awesome piece of art. I'm telling all my friends, family, and now you. SEE THIS MOVIE. BUY THE DVD.