This movie looked awesome in the trailers. You’re putting a gun in Will Ferrell’s hand and partnering him up with Mark Wahlberg . Hilarity ensues, right? Pretty much. This movie is very entertaining and I found myself laughing at Will Ferrell pretty often. The plot of the movie has pretty much been given to us in the trailer. Ferrell and Wahlberg are two desk cops as two bad ass alpha male detectives are getting all the action. These two cops are played by The Rock and Samuel L. Jackson, both providing their comedic A-Game. Shit goes down and Ferrell and Wahlberg find themselves having to do real detective work. The jokes are there. Will Ferrell’s oddly lusted over by really hot women, his wife is Eva Mendes, and Wahlberg’s mind is blown over the situation. Wahlberg is a desk cop because he accidentally shot Derek Jeter. There’s a lot more going on than that, but the jokes are a plenty. Will Ferrell chews up the scenery and puts out a great performance, but I’d much rather of him been partnered with someone other than Mark Wahlberg. Perhaps either The Rock or Samuel L. Jackson would have been a better pick. I’m cool with Wahlberg’s drama stuff and I like the projects he produces, but he bothered me in this movie. He just came off as trying too hard. I know you have to keep up with Will Ferrell, but I literally found myself cringing during some of Wahlberg’s dialogue. Like a good portion of people who have or will see this movie, I’m a fan of Saturday Night Live. One a few occasions Andy Samberg has done a pretty hilarious impression during the “Mark Wahlberg Talks To Animals” sketch. The problem here is that I couldn’t get that out of my head. The way Wahlberg really delivered lines was like he was parodying Samberg parodying Wahlberg. Even though Will rocked the movie hard, the Mark stuff kind of sucked the movie from an A to a B. I guess you could blame Andy Samberg.