I'm one of the very few movie fans out there who hadn't seen this movie yet. Finally this past week I had the chance and took it. It's not that I didn't want to see it. I am a Will Smith fan and the story seemed very similar to one of the first scripts I worked on. The whole concept of a superhero being shunned by the people he was saving, being an alcoholic, and going to jail until the city realizes they need him was all apart of a movie called "HEROMAN" that I was working on in like 2003-2004ish. I'm not a psycho who will claim it's MINE because while it's pretty close, it's got its own twist to the story and is done very well. I was a big fan of Berg's direction. It has a very independent style depth to it that most blockbusters stay away from. Hopefully, other directors will take his lead and stray away from the cold and flat shots we see every summer. It also helps that "Very Bad Things" is one of my favorite movies all time. Smith was great in the role. He was crass and a bit vulgar, which is obviously a different direction than what we're used to. I'm actually really curious to see Smith stick his teeth in some bad ass, villainous, or even just some gritty independent roles. I KNOW he can act outside of the "all American good guy" roles and think it's time for "The Fresh Prince" to be "Fresh" again. Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron were good and I'm happy to see his uprise over the past few years. As we've now seen a few times, they make a great couple and their chemistry is what romcom writers dream of. Overall, very good movie and one that I think will gain more appreciation in time.