I am a fan of John C. Reilly. I paid to see Walk Hard and I enjoyed it. When it came out on DVD, I got it. I think he's a talented actor and I'm happy to see him start to gain high profile roles. On the other hand, I'm not a huge fan of Seann Williams Scott. I enjoy his work in some movies, but he's yet to win me over to the point where I'd want to watch a movie specifically to see his performance. These two co-star in "The Promotion", but I'd say Seann is the lead due to it being from his point of view. The movie is about two different guys with two different problems trying to solve them by getting the big promotion at their job, a local grocery store. I've read that it's "like the office, but only in a grocery store", which is way off. If anything its like "Waiting…", but inside of a grocery store and minus the over the top jokes. It's a quirky independent comedy that was never really boring, but it still lacked that little extra something to make it special. Reilly does well with the material, but it's nothing, like I said, special. I REALLY hope that Seann Williams Scott never gets the lead voice over role. His voice is annoying. Even when he's attempting to be sincere, he sounds condescending and like "Stiffler". Jenna Fisher is in it as the supporting wife of Seann's character and does a fine job in her supporting role. To me, SNL's Fred Armisen steals the show. With all the SNL cast members getting bigger roles, making nice with the Apatow crew, and what not Armisen has been a bit too low key. He had a small spot in a really underrated movie with Zack Braff, Bateman, and Amanda Peete in "The Ex", he has like one scene in Tina Fey's "Baby Mama", and he was the creepy guy in "Eurotrip". He kind of steals the movie. If you're looking for a quirky independent comedy you can find better. If you're a fan of anyone I mentioned, definitely see it. It's not bad at all, but I doubt I'll remember it this time next month.