First of all, I'm not a huge horror fan. A lot of it seems repetitive and mindless, which coming from a guy who has a weird obsession with day time television says a lot. I'm not close minded about the genre and I do like a hand full of horror movies and have them in my collection. Rob Zombie's second feature "The Devil's Rejects" is one of those films. The direction, coloring, gore, and uncomfortable moments are all tied into a compelling story. I was never really a Halloween fan to begin with. I was more into the Freddy and Jason movies than the Michael Myers and Leatherface. I respected those movies, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Anyways, I got to check out Rob Zombie's Halloween this past week. I went in with an open mind and left in a hurry as soon as the credits started to roll. I didn't jump except for one scene and never got that uncomfortable/creepy feeling that I would normally yearn for in a movie like this. I appreciate the efforts for the back story, but my favorite part of this remake was the direction of the movie. I know I might be alone in this and maybe even get mocked for it, but I am a huge fan of Rob's directing skills. His work in Devil's Reject was one influence of many that I mused upon for my recent directorial debut. My main problem is that it didn't have the "punch" that I was expecting. My friend loved it and it's not a bad flick at all, but didn't bitch slap me with awesomeness as Rejects did. If you're a fan of horror you'll enjoy this, if not wait until the weekend so you can see it with a theatre full of loud fans. Overall it's "Thumbs in the middle" with "potential to grow on me" or if we want to get cute; I'll give it a "665" for "not quite evil enough".