We are all officially old. One of the best movies of all time, “Back to the Future” is celebrating its 25 year anniversary! I don’t think I was out of diapers yet when it came out, but knowing that this movie has been in our lives for a quarter century is pretty amazing. The story, the characters, and just the movie and its two sequels are as timeless as Coca-Cola. We have Spielberg producing and Zemeckis directing. Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Crispen Glover, Lea Thompson, and Thomas Wilson put on an acting clinic. The characters these people play are part of Americana and are still quoted today. “Think McFly, Think!”, “Great Scott!”, and “Get Y’er Damn Hands Off Her!” are just a few of the quotes from this movie that I hear people use today. It’s just a fun movie and a great experience. I had the pleasure of rewatching this movie this past weekend after not watching it in a few years. It’s as enjoyable as it always was. The storyline and plot devices are beyond clever as the story is perfect. There are things about many great movies that you think “this could have been different” or “I loved it.. except that one part” about… but not “Back to the Future”. These people created a perfect movie. If you haven’t had the extreme pleasure of seeing “Back to the Future” in awhile or God forbid AT ALL then treat yourself to a very entertaining two hours. This is a movie I can pretty much promise anyone with a heart and sense of humor will not only like, but love.