I had sorta wanted to see Iron Man when it was first released, but never a chance. Thankfully, there's still a small hand full of second run/cheap theatres left in my area that I can take advantage of every so often. I was bashed over the head with hype for this flick, so I went in with pretty big expectations. This movie not only lived up to the expectations, but surpassed them by a few miles. I figured it would be an entertaining few hours, but I got hooked line and sinker. Downey Jr.'s cocky and playboy rendition of Tony Stark was EASILY my favorite HERO of this past superhero summer. I never read the comic book, but if they represent Stark in any other way than what was done in this movie I really don't care to see it. Of course, The Dark Knight was a better movie and Ledger's performance was crazy great (my pick for best villain), but why compare the two? Why not just sit back and enjoy them both as separate entities? I've been a huge fan of all that Jon Favreau has done so far. From Rudy to PCU to Swingers to Very Bad Things to the Dinner for Five IFC show he had. I had a conversation with a friend this past weekend about how if we could pick anyone's resume who would we pick? We both agreed we wanted to NOT be TMZ fodder, but have a respectable collection of work. I instantly said Jon Favreau would be my pick. The dude has come a long way, seems grounded, and continues to work on passion projects to much success. After viewing his directorial work on Iron Man, I'm even more confident with that initial pick. If you've not seen this movie, DO SO. Unless you're a douche or a hater, you'll enjoy it. Don't be that guy.