I like the occasional movie with guns, explosions, one liners, and gratuitous female body shots. I really like it when it’s done right. In 2010, I know of a few movies that got this right. “The Losers”, “A-Team”, and “Iron Man 2” were all fun action movies that made for fun experiences. Sadly, I didn’t find this type of enjoyment with The Expendables. Not at all, really. I found myself bored within twenty minutes. The plot was predictable, the characters cliché, and the explosions and fighting was the opposite of innovative. I get it. I know it was supposed to be a call back to the classic action movies of old, but they were cool because they were unique to a time period. Action movies evolved. Stallone and people who like their movies dumbed down and starring guys who look like broken down NFL third stringers bitched about it. The fact of the matter is that these movies do the same thing as the old action movies used to. Its innovative action, creative directing, and a intelligent take on a tongue-in-cheek genre. The vibe I picked up, in between dozing off, during this movie was that the movie was smug and snooty and hell. It was like Stallone was holding his nose up to the viewer and saying “this is how action movies should be and if you don’t agree you’re a pussy”. Screw that. I like Statham, Li, Austin, Crews, Roberts, and a lot of the people in the movie but I’ve seen them all do much better than this crap. If you wanted to see all of these people together, don’t get too excited. It’s lame sauce. Watch the movies of these guys you already love and then watch “The Losers” or “A-Team”. This movie was insulting to my intelligence and a waste of my time.