I love Mike Judge. He's provided my life with much entertainment over the years. When you add up "Beavis and Butthead", "King of the Hill", "Office Space", "Idiocracy", and the other sprinkled in works you get one of the most solid and most respected comedy resumes out there right now. The same pretty much goes for Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig (who I like more everyday), Mila Kunis (who is emerging into one of the best comedy actresses), and Sir King Duke Ben Affleck. I don't think "Sir King Duke" is even a title, but if it was I'd knight Affleck as just that. So what happens when all these ingredients come together in a movie titled after an ingredient? We get a very solid movie. I saw it and I really enjoyed it. The movie is about Bateman's character feeling unfulfilled by his extract career, lack of sex with his wife (Wiig), and pretty much his entire life. He decides he wants to hook up with the new girl at work (Kunis), but has his doubts. His bartending slacker friend (Affleck) seems to be the only person able to break through to him, but with some horrible advice. He tries Xanax and ends up hiring a gigolo to screw his wife, thus relieving him of guilt for his planned hook up. This goes very wrong. He also has to deal with the workers of his company who want "their piece" as he's in talks with selling the company. There's a lot going on and you're never bored. If you enjoy the other works of Judge, then you'll enjoy this. My only issue is that the movie didn't really feel complete. Like it was missing something. Certain aspects seemed rushed and didn't feel like it got proper blow off. It's something I'll have to figure out the couple hundred times I watch it on DVD. I recommend it, but don't go into it expecting to see a uber-broad comedy like "The Hangover". While things are just as outrageous, it's done in much more low key and intelligent manner. It's Mike Judge. You think you're getting a silly broad comedy, but it's a rash that you just can't shake. See it! See it Now!