It may be called “Suck”, but that would not be a correct description of the actual movie. This low budget Canadian “rock and roll horror-comedy” was a fairly fun experience. There are times things are a bit too cheesy or a bit too lame, but you just roll your eyes and keep going. When you first start watching it you can tell the quality is a low budget movie. In this case there are really only two possibly conclusions. It’s either going to be really bad and almost unwatchable or it’s going to be sharp, witty, and entertaining. This is more towards the sharp, witty, entertaining side of things but it’s no Clerks, El Mariachi, or other low budget gems. This movie is about a barely afloat local rock band that’s getting older and almost past the point of getting to the big time. The only girl in the band gets bit by a vampire so her hotness and the fact she’s a vampire gets them a bit more acclaim. So they then go on a bar/club tour and deal with the band being jealous, anxious to succeed, and all that fun stuff. The band is made up of unknown actors to me. I recognize Mike Lobel from Degrassi but it’s the other cameos that take this movie up a notch. There’s Malcolm McDowell as “Eddie Van Helsing”, Henry Rollins as a radio host, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Dave Foley, and Moby. Yes, THAT Moby. Moby freakin’ rocks in this movie. He plays “Beef Bellows”, a lead singer for a band called “Secretaries of Steak”. He’s vulgar, gross, and a huge asshole. I think Moby being the nice reserved guy for so many years left him pretty pent up because he rocked in this role. This movie never really bored me or anything, but at times it had me wondering what the hell was going on and not in a good suspenseful way. The movie was just “there” at some points where it just felt like filler until their next plot point. The downtime parts dragged the movie down. I appreciate a low budget getting to the 90 minute mark, but closer to 80 or even 85 would have gone a long way. I’m not hating on it at all. Overall, star, director, and writer Rob Stefaniuak did a pretty good job here. There were parts that had a lot of creativity involved and were a bit inspired. There’s a part where Malcolm McDowell has a flashback/backstory scene and to show him younger they masterfully edited clips from an old 70’s movie to illustrate their story. Its little things like that that has me excited to share it with friends. So yeah, I recommend it. Buy it on DVD or BlueRay and support indie filmmaking!