There was about a week after this got released that it annoyed the hell out of me. Not the movie so much, but because of the fact that just about everyone I know saw it. I'm not a "I must see it first" type of person, but it was hyped up to me to the point that I knew it was going to be hard to live up to. I finally got the chance to see it and tried to forget about all of that and go into with an open mind. If I'd of been told it sucks, it rocks, or had no thoughts on it at all I'd still be able to clearly see how awesome this movie is. I don't put in the plateau as others already are, but it was pretty damn great. Woody was fantastic in his role. I disagree that it's his best role, but that's just because "Natural Born Killers" is one of my favorite movies of all time and easily in my top 20 or even 10. Who stood out was Emma Stone. I enjoyed her work in "Superbad", "The Rocker", and even "The House Bunny". She's attractive for sure, but she's got the charisma and skill to back it up. She just might be my favorite actress under 21 right now. Hell, give it a couple weeks and she'll be my favorite actress under 22. Any who, enough Emma Stone gushing. She's awesome. Either you already accept this or will soon have no choice. The movie was pretty straight forward from the get-go. Zombies have taken over. The few humans left travel around, kill zombies, and use the smallest of hope to get them through their days. That makes it sound pretty drab, but it's one of the funniest movies of the year. Jesse Eisenberg was decent enough to carry the movie. He's likeable, but lacks something. Maybe I'm missing something. I know there's a lot of people who call him a poor man's Michael Cera. Sadly, I can see why. He made a wise decision with this movie though and I'll give him more of a chance in the future. There's a cameo in this movie that just might be the best cameo in recent memory. If you don't know it, I'm not going to spoil it. But odds are you've already seen this movie and have spoiled it for a friend. See this and then see this again!