Over the past year there seems to be a action movie formula that everyone is following. It’s been done to death in the past, but over the summer we’ve seen the ensemble action movie a lot. It’s one central character needs back up so they go around and recruit “old friends” to help them out for some big espionage type of mission. It has more or less happened in A-Team, The Losers, The Expendables, and even parodied in MacGruber. Red is pretty much those movies meets “The Whole Nine Yards”. Bruce Willis is a retired CIA agent and is being tracked down by the feds for some reason. So he has to protect a customer service lady, Weed’s Mary-Louise Parker, because he knows they know that he likes her. So he kidnaps her to save her and then goes on the road to visit some “old friends”. What we get is the awesome cast of Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, and the awesome and still gorgeous Helen Mirren. Freeman is a smooth old man who flirts, Malkovich is a crazy conspiracy theorist living in the woods, and then finally Hellen Mirren is a sniper/guns specialist. Fun times. The movie wasn’t bad at all, but it just wasn’t all that awesome. It looked and sounded like it would be a lot funnier and better, but it was just okay. It’s one of those action movies that you see once and then never give full attention to again. I doubt I’ll ever sit down again to watch this movie, but it’s enjoyable enough to ignore on cable while working online or on the phone. I’m kind of nervous that it’ll do well and they’ll make a sequel because this movie really doesn’t need one. I recommend it though. See it… once. And then you too can ignore it in the future like me. B-