There are movies and there are films. A movie is something you can love to death, enjoy with a full heart, and eat pop corn while watching. A film, well a film is special. You become enthralled by the story, the images, the sounds, and experience. These are your classics. These are the top notch cinematic artworks that expand one’s mind. I am very pleased to say that “The Social Network” is one of those films. Well, one of those films for me at least. With a filmography included “Fight Club”, “Seven”, and “Zodiac”, David Fincher is one of the most interesting and consistent directors out there. He’s on his A-game here. Then the screenplay is by Aaron Sorkin, the sharp dialogue mastermind of TV shows “The West Wing”, “Sports Night”, and the often unloved “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip”. That enough is good reason to be at least a lot curious about this movie. Then we top it off with a Trent Reznor soundtrack. With Nine Inch Nails being my favorite band/Trent Reznor being my favorite musician of all time, this is like finding two prizes at the bottom of a cereal box. So I anticipated this film. I went in with high hopes and for once in a long time my high hopes were met and exceeded. I’m sure if you’re reading this then you’ve read other reviews or have seen it yourself. The hype for this movie is no joke. It’s seriously the best film of the year. I’m not big on Jesse Eisenberg. Something about him has rubbed me the wrong way, but the problem is that he keeps popping up in movies I interested in or like. For instance I was interested in “Adventurland”, but I ended up loving “Zombieland”. Well, in “Facebookland”, he rocks. He has officially won me over. I’m not going to go all crazy fanboy for him or anything, but he lands roles in movies that just seem like my personal cup of tea. In this film, Eisenberg plays Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the popular social networking site facebook. The personality they provide is a weird one. Zuckerberg comes off genius, confident, nerdy, and an asshole but ultimately he’s so insecure about being liked and appreciated that he loses control of his only real relationships and friendships. There’s a lot more to this movie that a guy sitting at a computer and creating a website. Much more. We learn how facebook got started, why it was thought of in the first place, who it effected, and so on. It’s a great look at greed, acceptance, and modern business. Jesse Eisenberg deserves awards. In support we have Andrew Garfield and Armie Hammer coming in and doing well and getting a lot of love for their work in it, but the movie is almost stolen by Justin Timberlake. If you’re a fan of SNL, you’ve seen Justin come on and rock the show. I think the main reason is that he allows himself to blend in and become part of the family as opposed to showcasing his obvious super-charisma. In this film he does that as well. He comes in and you instantly have to take notice because he’s playing the dude who created Napster, but he acts. Timberlake comes off sleazy, lame, and kind of like a Zuckerberg just ten years removed. Timberlake is just awesome here and I think and hope will open a lot of eyes and doors based on his acting career. I’m really trying to rack my brain and think of some constructive criticism about this film and I’m drawing a blank. I’m not going to tell you that you should see this movie. If you want to miss out on one of the best films of recent years then so be it. I just ask when much smarter and much cooler people are talking about this movie around you, don’t be the prick who smugly says “oh THAT movie about facebook”. Because you’ll prove yourself to know nothing. A