I wanted to see this for so long that when it came around I didn't care anymore to see it at a theatre. It was shot in my region so the hype for the movie being shot in Indiana, Johnny Depp being around, and all the press for it just wore me out. If it were shot anywhere else, I'd still want to see it. It's a good story and the cast sounded awesome. The lead actor in my second movie was a stand in on a portion of the movie and that was a cool thing to think about. He showed up to shoot the movie and had an awkward hair cut because of this movie. All that withstanding, this became a "task movie" for me. I knew it'd be good, but it was a task to ever actually sit down with it. The movie ended up being a pretty big letdown. It's well done, the acting is okay, and overall it had an awesome story. I think what holds me back from really liking this movie was the dialogue. Every line seemed like it was written to be used for the trailer. It was almost sounding like an action movie or comic book for most of the flick. Depp and Bale do their parts well, but it just seemed so simple. I know "it was simpler times," but it just really felt impersonal. I do want to watch it again to form a stronger opinion, but as it stands now, I'm willing to bet that the "another chance in the future" will probably be the last time I watch it. If you're a Johnny Depp or Christian Bale fan, interested in John Dillinger's story, or from one of the small town areas it was shot at you'll want to see it. If you're looking for a good drama on par with Depp and Bale's normal asskickers then you should pass.