After the first fiasco of a Hulk film I didn't want to give this one a chance at all. The problem is that I am a fan of Edward Norton and after watching Fight Club last week I forgot just how bad ass of an actor he can be. Then there's my crush on Liv Tyler. She's not only hott, but she always comes off as a really likeable person. It's never overdramatic nonsense or her trying to steal every scene she's in. I could go on for paragraphs about how much I like both of the main leads. So this past week, I had a free afternoon so I watched and realized something very important right off the bat. This is NOT the same "HULK" disaster from a few years ago. This is new, fresh, and right to the point. Norton's depiction of Bruce Banner is dead on in my eyes. A guy who goes into seclusion to avoid hurting those he loves, tries to control his pulse, and is a very flawed hero. What surprised me was Tim Roth's performance. I've always liked his stuff, but this was a different role for him. He plays an "enhanced" solider, but his madness starts with merit and a somewhat respectable mentality. Of course, this is a comic book movie. He then goes nuts and the hero, a shockingly decent CGI Hulk, is forced to overcome him. It really wasn't that bad. The adverts have been saying something to the nature of "Just as good as Iron Man". That's hard to agree with. Iron Man was a 9.0 movie, but I'd be comfortable with giving this one a 7.5 or maybe an 8.0. Ignore the old movie completely. This is NOT that movie. It's not Dark Knight, Iron Man, X-Man, or Spidey. It's The Incredible Hulk. Give it a chance and watch it. You'll be pretty surprised how good it is on its own.