This is one of those movies that I wanted to check out when it was in theatres but never did for some reason. This past week, we picked it up on DVD at our local rental place and was blown the hell away. This is seriously Adam Sandler's best acting performance of his entire career. I have always been a fan, more-so at the beginning with Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, etc and then things started getting a little stale. The comedy bits started getting repetitive and his drama-comedy stuff felt really forced. Yet, this premise of "Reign Over Me" and with it co-starring Don Cheadle and featuring Jada Pinkett Smith, and Liv Tyler was enough for me to be interested. I'm not one to give spoilers, but don't let the whole 9-11 connection confuse you. This is not exploiting the tragedy as; in my opinion others have done. When it comes down to it, it's mainly about loss and how one deals with it. Sandler and Cheadle have so much chemistry in this rollercoaster of emotions movie that I can't recommend it enough. If you're a fan of real movies with real stories this is for you. Easily one of the best movies I've seen this year.