I bought this movie on the fly a few years back and couldn't get through it. I am a fan of Mr. Show and pretty much anything and everything Cross and Odenkirk has done. The work they do on their own is awesome, but when they're together I always assume that the results will be something a bit special. This movie was the exception. The character "Ronnie Dobbs" was a reoccurring character on Mr. Show and the movie was pretty damn entertaining to start off with. Cross's character work as Dobbs was fun and light, but by the time an hour came along I had to check to see how much longer it had left because it was dreadful to get through. I'd tell you about the story of the movie, but I'm afraid my fingers would fall asleep from boredom. There were some cool cameos from Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Sarah Silverman, the band Anthrax, tons of other comedians, and I still didn't spoil them all(John Stamos is in it too!)! You'd think it'd be a lot better, but it's so dull it almost made me turn it off before it finished. I can see why Cross and Odenkirk would disown the final cut. It made something that was so pure and fun something dull and uncomfortable. I only recommend it so you can share in my outrage. Otherwise, seek out ANY other work these guys have done and rest assure you'll enjoy it. If not, you should drink your own pee.