Apparently this movie came out awhile back, but the first time I heard of it was when Luke and Andrew Wilson appeared on the Henry Rollins Show a few months back. This is mainly a Wilson family production with Luke and Owen Wilson starring in the movie, Luke writing, Luke and Andrew directing, and even their mother was the still photographer. The movie had a simple feel to it, but was very entertaining and well done. I'm sorta surprised this didn't get much of a release. It had heart, charm, and big name actors. Luke Wilson gets a lot of shit for not being a huge box office draw on his own, but there's no denying that he's a talented actor. If anything, his downfall is that he's too relatable and laid back as opposed to being over the top or so much of a "character". It wasn't the normal in your face comedy that's been out there lately, but it had a great rhythm and gets a recommendation from me. If you like heart filled comedies on a Sunday afternoon then you'll enjoy this one.