I remember all the buzz around this movie once it started hitting the festival circuit this past year and how I really wanted to see it. I liked the casting of Gordon-Levitt and Deschanel, the trailer, and honestly I'm just a sucker for a good dramatic indie rom-com. I finally see the movie and the illusion of what I hoped for was gone and replaced with a thin layer of disappointment. It's not a bad movie by any means. It's good, but it's not great. The story is just a bit too bland and the characters are just a bit too hip. The story is simple and relatable to anyone who's ever been in love, but it's just edited in a non-sequential way to distract us into thinking its special. The performance of Gordon-Levitt carries the movie. He's charming, likeable, and not too unrealistically sappy. The way they handle the ending of the movie is what separates this movie from others, but that's about it. Like I said, it's decent, but I honestly think if they had the 500 days in order it would have been a better movie. I recommend it if the trailer interests you, but if you're looking for something special then just wait for it to hit cable. Solid B-.