I vaguely remember this movie as a kid. I remember the stuff with Pennywise in the library and that's really about all my cloudy brain could muster. So my recent rewatching of this classic mini-series felt really fresh. What we have here is classic and still pretty damn great. Tim Curry wasn't THAT over the top as people have claimed. He was kind of subtle with it, but still managed to be very creepy. Then from there, I couldn't remember a single person in the movie. When the credits hit and I saw names like Tim Curry, John Ritter, Richard Thomas, Tim Reid, Jonathan Brandis, and Seth Green I got a little more comfortable in my excitement for the movie. I've never read the book, but I hear A LOT wasn't adapted for screen. At over a 1000 pages, what would you expect? With no knowledge of the book, the movie stands on its own legs as an iconic masterpiece in the genre. The first half sets up the entire back story of the character's youth and war against "it". Then the second half brings the same group back as adults to relive their past and fight to move forward. It's a great movie up until the last portion with it being revealed as a monster spider at the helm of the evil. That was lame, but the good outweighs the bad leaps and bounds. It's like a great album with a weak last track. It's still a great album, and the lameness of the ending doesn't overshadow the awesome story and art just shared. Stephen King's brain should be studied by science. There's some dark shit hidden in there.