This is movie is the baby of writer, director, and star Jeff Anderson. For those who aren't nerds, Jeff Anderson is "Randall" of Clerks fame. Thus, it's an independent romcom by someone from the Kevin Smith camp so I had some weird expectations. It's a "Kevin Smith presents" movie which instantly brought "Drawing Flies" and "Vulgar" to mind. Both of those movies are iffy at best. Yet, I've enjoyed Anderson in everything I've seen him in so I figure I owe him the benefit of the doubt. Jeremy Sisto stars in it as the straight man to pretty much everyone else in the cast. He's from Law and Order sure, but he's put together a very respectable "indie cred" resume with "Suicide Kings", "May", and "Waitress" to just name a few off the top of my head. I loved Trevor Fehrman's work as "Elias" in Clerks II and I remember Rashida from "The Office" and "The Ten". So really, the cast is a huge encouragement going in. The movie itself ended up being pretty good for Anderson's first effort. There are a million independent comedies out there like it, but this one strayed from the "we're so artsy and mellow dramatic" to focus on just giving a solid movie. It's not perfect at all. The called off wedding storyline, the main one, is on the boring side until about halfway through the movie. The stuff with Anderson (who might as well of called himself "Randall") and Fehrman's "Biscuit" was the best parts of the movie. I dug the direction of the movie, Michel Gondry or anything, but it had its own charm. I want to make sure people realize that this is NOT a Kevin Smith movie. To compare them wouldn't be fair to either because in my opinion Smith is the better writer and just with one film to show Anderson seems to be the better director, at least in scope. Bottom line is that this is a rom/com that kinda slugs along until it picks up about half way through with some great gags and one-liners from the comedy relief. I don't want to spoil any of it because if you're this far into this paragraph then either you've already seen it or you're curious. I do recommend it and if forced, I'd give it a 7 out of 10 on the "enjoyablity scale".