On Thanksgiving night a group of friends and myself went to the local theatre to catch Beowulf in IMAX 3D. Initially the whole 3D and animation of it all was a bit startling and hard to digest, but after it wore off I could be a little more objective. I appreciate the risk they took on the animation, but after awhile it came off as "Pixar for adults". Crispen Glover is the highlight to the movie and many people don't even know he's in it. He plays the monster "Grendel" and rocks with it. The movie could have probably been 10-15 minutes shorter as it took a bit too long to really get into the plot. Now don't crucify me yet because I really enjoyed the movie. It wasn't "the greatest action movie ever" as one friend put it, but it was very good. I think I may have had high hopes for it or something because it just fell flat with me on the "awesome scale". It was very good, but not great, awesome, or any other super positive adjective. If I hadn't of seen it in IMAX 3D, I probably wouldn't of went at all. I still suggest seeing it, but only if you can see if you can see it in 3D. If not, wait for the DVD. Hell, pick up the book!