This is a bio pick about the late 70's punk band, The Germs and its lead singer/founder "Darby Crash". I will be upfront to say that before this movie I had no background on The Germs. I've never gotten into punk, but I respect it and love the energy. It's just never been my cup of tea so going into this movie I was a bit hesitant. Shane West, of ER fame, played the eccentric "Darby Crash" as if his life depended on it. I don't know how true to reality the movie was, but with guitarist Pat Smear (also of later Nirvana/early Foo Fighters fame) involved with the musical side of the project I would tend to think it has an official "stamp of approval".. I'm used to seeing Rick Gonzalez in comedic roles like "Old School" and the TV show "Reaper" among tons of stand out supporting roles, but here he played "Pat Smear" like a champ. I'm very interested in seeing this guy develop, take on bigger roles, and show the world his acting chops. This movie was definitely one that gets him in that direction. This is Rodger Grossman's writing and directorial debut and it's a pretty impressive one. History aside, the story is a good one and somewhat familiar with a handful of similar "tragic rockstar bio pics" out there. This one stands on its own as the hour and a half flew by because the characters/real people and story/history is pretty damn intriguing. The poetic side of things makes Darby sorta come off as a Punk version of Jim Morrison, which is far from the truth. That might be my biggest gripe with it. Maybe the self-perception of being "huge" is the point, but my perspective is that "The Germs" were bluntly "a scene band". Then again, I'm a sucker for artists presenting themselves as "larger than life" so I had no problems with it. If you're a fan of the REAL punk scene (not the current day bullshit), The Germs, or just a good bio pic then this movie is for you. I've already recommended this movie to about a half dozen people and I'm sure by the end of the week that number will double. This movie should be a cult classic when it's all said in done. A bit ironic considering the band.